To upload an image to this website it must first be acquired by your computer and saved to your hard drive. This page deals with a couple of ways this can be accomplished. | |||||||||
The easiest way to capture an image (not all websites allow you to do this) is to use the context menu. This is a menu that you may not be aware of. A context menu offers a limited set of choices when you click on an image which are usually actions related to the selected object. What's different here is that you select (or click) the image with the opposite mouse button to the one you normally use. If you normally click links, buttons and so forth with your left mouse button, you need to point and click with your right mouse button to access this hidden menu. This is usually refered to as right-clicking the image. If your buttons are reversed, which is often the case if you are left-handed, then the capabilities just described will also be revervsed. Here is an example: |
![]() |
Here, I have pointed my mouse to this picture and right-clicked. A menu appears. It may not look exactly like this one but you are only interested in finding a single command - "Save picture as...." If it is not present then the website has forbidden the copying of any pictures in this manner. If it is present, click the command and save the image to your computer (more about that later). | |||||||||
SCREEN CAPTURE | |||||||||
It is possible to capture the entire screen by pressing the Print Screen key on your computer keyboard. It is suggested that you have the window you from which you are capturing maximized before pressing this key. Please note that Print Screen on some keyboards might appear as PrtScn, PRTSC, PRTSCN, or a similar abbreviation. Certain laptops and other mobile devices that lack a PrtScn key might use other key combinations, such as FN+Insert, to capture the screen. Check the manual the came with your laptop or device for specific instructions. |
Next, click start ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Facebook captures work entirely differently. The process for capturing a Facebook image is as follows:
You have now successfully acquired the image and saved it to your computer hard drive. You can now upload it to our website. |
CAMERA CAPTURE | |||||||||
Most digital cameras store pictures on a CompactFlash memory card or a Secure Digital (SD) card. When you're ready to view, organize, or print your pictures, you'll need to import the pictures to your computer. Then you can erase the pictures on the memory card and use it to take a new batch of pictures. There are two main ways to import pictures: |
USB Plug | ||||||||
![]() |
Memory Card Reader | ||||||||
![]() |
The only way to capture actual photographs or small images such as drawings or paintings is through the purchase of a scanner. If you own an All-In-One printer, you can use the scanning capabilities of that device to capture your images. | |||||||||
APPLICATION CAPTURE There are several applications that can capture an image directly from any screen regardless of the way the site wants you or doesn't want you to download the image. |
Free Applications - click HERE |
Appications for Purchase - click HERE | |||||||||
If you need any asistance with capturing images or any other technical issues please contact Tech Bird at | |||||||||