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A Father's Day Tribute


Remembering Atticus: A Tribute to Our Fathers... - Posted on
Molly Keating

When I thought about writing this blog for Father’s Day, I wracked my brain to come up with that quintessential father-figure. People like Walt Disney & Abraham Lincoln came to mind, but when I remembered Atticus Finch, the humble hero of Harper Lee’s novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, I knew I’d found him.

Growing up I always loved the movie, To Kill a Mockingbird, because of the charming characters, the fright I felt seeing Jem up on the Radley porch, and the purity of Scout’s love for adventure & people like “Boo”. But my very favorite thing about that film was always Atticus. I think I loved him so much because I had my own wonderful Atticus growing up. My dad always played with us and made us laugh, but I also remember knowing at a very young age just how wise he was, and I remember that making me feel proud of him. There is something about Atticus and men like him, these men that are ” born to do our unpleasant jobs for us” where greatness, security, trust and comfort lie. My father, a funeral director, is one of them and, like Atticus, has a sphere of influence that is far greater and further-reaching than even he knows.

Not all of us had an Atticus in our fathers, but in one way or another, there is probably someone in your life that has represented that figure to you. In documentaries made later about Gregory Peck’s life, there were over-flows of people that found in his portrayal of Atticus, the father figure they had always longed for. In honor of our fathers, or whomever your Atticus may be, I want to extend   the opportunity to you to share your favorite memory, story, trait or word that best captures the spirit of the men that have guided you. Help us to make today’s post full of wonderful words by contributing your comment and story below.

We want to honor not only your father, but also the spirit of fatherhood captured so truly and completely by Atticus Finch.

Herb McCartney: So, to the class of 65, I invite you to share the great memories of your father. Tell us about your recollections of the man that influenced your life so greatly.

.....from our website a few years ago. Add your tributes, pictures, and comments on MESSAGE FORUM.

My dad, Bob McCartney

Pictures and Comments From Our Classmates




Marion Foster Dimond

 I was lucky to have a great dad. When we lived on Brown St., he built us a playhouse. He took time to drive us to dances and parties. My friends were always welcome in our basement playroom. We groaned when he took the many pics which I grew up to cherish. His positive reinforcement techniques kept us behaving (most of the time)--always telling us how proud of us he was. Sadly he died when I was 19 and never met my husband or son, but I've always felt he was with me, and I've always tried to make him proud.



Dave Scott (posted on class Facebook page)



Bob Redman (posted on his Facebook page): Wishing my dad and mentor in life a happy father's day. My father taught me well as a young man the importance of having good values and work ethic, which I have carried through my business carrier. Miss you dad, your loving son Bob.


Leonard Schildroth from his Facebook page:

Happy Father's Day 
Leonard Tate Schildroth
Love You Miss You
Happy Calm Talented Funny Loving Caring
A pretty good piano player too
"He Loved My Mom"
I appreciate you more every day.


Cindy Black Lindsay from her Facebok page: 

This is the man I was going to marry when I grew up, my dad.



Mary Hamilton Bayer, from Facebook page of her husband Joe Bayer: Happy Father's Day ...
Robert (Whitey) Hamilton. Age 92. This Day 44 years ago June 18,1944 His ship was bombed in the South Pacific and was sinking. Thank God it didn't he came home and had one very large family. Thank you for Mary,1947 your first, My wife. What a great family. :)


Olivia Pollard Parrish from her Facebook page: My father had a wonderful belly laugh, when he played he enjoyed it like a child, he worked hard and loved his work.
..........remembering the good things!.........


George Riney from his Facebook page: Happy Fathers Day to my dad Big Earl he left us to soon they only made one like him. Maybe 2 little George I love you dad.


From Jeff Bernard on his Facebook page: EHB taught me to swear "like a Real Sailor" ..or real Naval Aviator !!
